Introduction to WordPress Taxonomy

Taxonomy makes groups of posts. Taxonomy enables you to a group of the post of similar characteristics. In WordPress, Mainly two types of taxonomies are used. Both are inbuilt taxonomies. Tags Categories Categories are Hierarchical Taxonomy, Whenever Tags are Non-Hierarchical…

Make WordPress Core Ticket Patch Using GIT

Many WordPress developers would like to become WordPress core contributors. To be a WordPress core contributor, You should find the WordPress core track tickets, which required a patch on the  Most of the WordPress developers are familiar with git, but…

Implement DropzoneJS with PHP

What is DropzoneJS? DropzoneJS is a javascript library that helps to upload multiple files using AJAX. DropZoneJs gives Drag and Drop File Upload Functionality. There are common questions to us as web-developer how we allow users to allow upload multiple…

Prashant Baldha